#東京。 #中國 #China #Beijing | #紫禁城 #ForbiddenCity #September2020|#ForbiddenCityarchitecture built 600 years of rich architectural language briefly explained- #TheForbiddenCityCentralAxis ..

In this year’s 2020, the second decade from the turn of the century in Beijing the Capital of China also the People’s Republic of China, in which is also the year of the rat, marking its six hundred years anniversary of the Forbidden city that marks the transitional point of in between the middle of the Ming Dynasty (1368- 1644) transitionally from Nanjing to Beijing towards the Qing Dynasty (1636-1644-1911) …. The Imperial Palace seen so many countless seasonally transitional equinoxes but further its six hundred years is iconic, but it’s five hundred ninety nine years it marks it Autumn Equinox…. In which it only took twelve years to build the same of the Daming Palace of The Tang Dynasty Xian Imperial Capital only it was least twenty times larger……

The Forbidden City Central Axis The central axis is the core Yuanshu supporting the capital as the center of the world, and it is taken from the sky axis. First, build a royal road, and build a hall at the northern end of the royal road. The hall becomes a symbol of the North Star, and the royal road becomes a symbol of the axis of the sky. This is the center of the world. This kind of planning method is simple and easy to implement. It gets rid of the geographical center restriction and can find any place to build the capital. It has greater flexibility and has been inherited by the past.

The central axis of Beijing city passes from Fengtian Hall (Qing Taihe Hall) to the north through Huagai Hall (Qingzhonghe Hall), Jinshen Hall (Qingbaohe Hall), Qianqing Palace, Jiaotai Hall, Kunning Palace, Qin’an Hall, Long Live Mountain (Qingjingshan), Houmen Bridge, and finally Drum Tower; south through Taihemen, Meridian Gate, Duanmen, Tiananmen, Damingmen (Daqingmen), and finally Zhengyangmen, and finally Yongdingmen in Jiajing. The total length of the central axis is about 8 kilometers. The three most important halls, the Hou Sangong, and Longevity Mountain are all located on the central axis. The other minor buildings strictly follow the principle of symmetrical arrangement and are arranged on the left and right sides of the central axis to enhance The central axis and the buildings on the central axis are supreme.

The central axis of Beijing City contains the central axis of the Forbidden City. The central axis of the Forbidden City is from the Meridian Gate to the Shenwu Gate. There are seven palaces on the central axis to symbolize the Big Dipper. They are Fengtian Hall (Qing Taihe Hall) and Huagai Hall (Qing Dynasty). Zhonghe Hall), Jinshen Hall (Qingbaohe Hall), Qianqing Palace, Zhongyuan Hall (Jiaotai Hall), Kunning Palace and Qin’an Hall.


北京城中轴从奉天殿(清太和殿)向北穿过华盖殿(清中和殿)、谨身殿(清保和殿)、乾清宫、交泰殿、坤宁宫、钦安殿、万岁山(清景山)、后门桥,终于鼓楼 ;向南穿过太和门、午门、端门、天安门、大明门(大清门),终于正阳门,嘉靖时终于永定门。中轴全长约 8 千米,最重要的三大殿和后三宫、万岁山均位于中轴上,其他次要建筑则都严格遵守对称排列的原则,配置在中轴的左右两边,以增强中轴及中轴上的建筑至高无上的地位。


Imagines credit are of the Forbidden city –Imperial Palace –Beijing – China- People’s Republic of China

#東京 #中國 #China #Beijing | #紫禁城 #ForbiddenCity #September2020 | #ForbiddenCityarchitecture built 600 years of rich architectural language briefly explained …

In this year’s 2020, the second decade from the turn of the century in Beijing the Capital of China also the People’s Republic of China, in which is also the year of the rat, marking its six hundred years anniversary of the Forbidden city that marks the transitional point of in between the middle of the Ming Dynasty (1368- 1644) transitionally from Nanjing to Beijing towards the Qing Dynasty (1636-1644-1911) …. The Imperial Palace seen so many countless seasonally transitional equinoxes but further its six hundred years is iconic, but it’s five hundred ninety nine years it marks it Autumn Equinox…. In which it only took twelve years to build the same of the Daming Palace of The Tang Dynasty Xian Imperial Capital only it was least twenty times larger……

Forbidden City Architecture emphasis on order, proportion and symmetry principles. The central axis is the backbone of the building and the Yuanshu that supports the entire palace; the five gates and three dynasties, the front and back sleeping quarters, and the east and west six palaces in the “Zhou Li” constitute the framework of the Forbidden City; the Qiankun hexagram in the “Book of Changes” The combination of has a metaphysical height, and has a solid foundation. For example, the plane structure of the six palaces in the east and the west presents three painted hexagrams, symbolizing the hexagrams of Kun hexagrams, and the names of the Qianqing Palace, Kunning Palace and Jiaotai Palace are directly derived from The hexagrams Yu Qian, Kun and Tai gave the Forbidden City a logical law of positioning and intersecting heaven and earth. The red walls and yellow tiles constitute the colour tone of the Forbidden City.

In traditional cognition, yellow symbolizes soil and red symbolizes fire. The soil is located in the center. Therefore, the three halls are built on the foundation of the earth-shaped platform. The colour is yellow, so the central emperor called the Yellow Emperor”. According to the principle of the five elements, fire can produce soil, so the red wall symbolizes fire, the yellow tile symbolizes soil, and the fire produces soil. When the fire is prosperous, the soil is thick, which shows that the agricultural civilization cannot be separated from the soil. The building roofs in the Forbidden City include almost all the forms of ancient Chinese building roofs, such as hard mountains, hanging mountains, Xieshan, 庑殿, zuanjian, cross ridges, double eaves, roll sheds, and roofs. They have strict grades. The difference reflects the ritual characteristics of that era.

In addition to deciphering the architectural language from the building itself, when the landscape and the building are integrated and are no longer isolated natural landscapes, they also become part of the architectural language and are responsible for the interpretation of architectural ideals. The Jinshui River and Long Live Mountain in the Forbidden City are no longer natural mountains and water in the pure sense, but have an inseparable relationship with architecture. Long live mountain is the backer of the Forbidden City. Without this mountain, the Forbidden City would lose its strongest barrier and become an isolated city. The Jinshui River also has this function. It not only provides water for the entire Miyagi, and guarantees the water and drainage of the Miyagi, it also plays a role in connecting the north-western trunk with the southeast Sunda, making the Jinshui River a trunk in the image. The River of Gold allows the world to communicate and the mountains to connect……

紫禁城建筑强调秩序、比例和对称原则。中轴是建筑的脊梁,是支撑整个宫城的元枢 ;《周礼》中的五门三朝、前朝后寝、东西六宫,构成紫禁城的框架 ;《周易》中的乾坤卦象使建筑的组合有了形而上的高度,有了贞固不动的基础,如东西六宫的平面结构呈现三画卦,象征坤卦卦象,而乾清宫、坤宁宫和交泰殿的名称直接来源于乾卦、坤卦和泰卦,使紫禁城有了天地定位、天地相交的逻辑法则。红墙黄瓦构成紫禁城建筑的色彩基调,在传统的认知里,黄色象征土,红色象征火,土位于中央,故三大殿建在土字形的台基上,“中央戊己属土,其色黄,故中央帝曰黄帝”。按五行之理,火可以生土,故红墙象征火,黄瓦象征土,火生土,火旺则土厚,体现了农业文明的根本离不开土。紫禁城中的建筑屋顶几乎包括了中国古代建筑屋顶的所有形式,如硬山、悬山、 歇山、庑殿、攒尖、十字脊、重檐、卷棚、盝顶等,它们有着严格的等级区别,体现了那个时代的礼制特征。


Imagines credit are of the Forbidden city –Imperial Palace –Beijing – China- People’s Republic of China

#東京。 #中國 #China #Beijing | #紫禁城 #ForbiddenCity #September2020 |#ForbiddenCityPaintings celebrating #ChinesePaintings #ChineseCalligraphy of #蘇軾 #SuShi on prominent #SongDynasty #Calligrapher #painter ….


In this year’s 2020, the second decade from the turn of the century in Beijing the Capital of China also the People’s Republic of China, in which is also the year of the rat, marking its six hundred years anniversary of the Forbidden city that marks the transitional point of in between the middle of the Ming Dynasty (1368- 1644) transitionally from Nanjing to Beijing towards the Qing Dynasty (1636-1644-1911) …. The Imperial Palace seen so many countless seasonally transitional equinoxes but further its six hundred years is iconic, but it’s five hundred ninety nine years it marks it Autumn Equinox…. In which it only took twelve years to build the same of the Daming Palace of The Tang Dynasty Xian Imperial Capital only it was least twenty times larger……

From September 1st to October 30th 2020 , 千古风流人物 ……A special exhibition of paintings and calligraphy on the theme of Su Shi from the Palace Museum is on display in Wenhua Hall. ……This time the Palace Museum held an exhibition with cultural relics as a carrier to show Su Shi’s artistic attainments and personality style. This is the first time that Su Shi is a well-known writer and artist in ancient my country. Because of its elegant life taste and open-minded attitude towards life, it exudes a unique personality charm. His art, thoughts and even the taste of life have had a profound impact on later generations, and he himself has become a highly admired model of literati.

When Su Dongpo was alive, he used countless poems, writings and paintings. However, it has been passed down for thousands of years, and it can be said to be as rare as a star and phoenix. It is treasured by the past. In later generations, the past generations have continued to perform deductive creations with Dongpo poems, calligraphy, and deeds, leaving behind many paintings and calligraphy works. The Palace Museum has a collection of Su Shi’s masterpieces of calligraphy, as well as some important works of Su Shi’s mentors and friends, as well as a large number of related art treasures that are influenced by Su Shi and reflect his artistic ideas. The collections span from the Northern Song Dynasty to modern times, and the categories cover calligraphy and painting, rubbings, artifacts, and rare books of ancient books. It is one of the museums with the most concentrated collection of paintings and calligraphy related to Su Shi. The exhibits in this exhibition are mainly from the collections of the Palace Museum, with a total of 78 sets of cultural relics on display, so that we can also see the eternal romance of Dongpo in future generations…

Su Shi 蘇軾 / 苏轼;8 January 1037 – 24 August 1101), courtesy name Zizhan (子瞻), art name Dongpo 東坡was a Chinese calligrapher, gastronome, painter, pharmacologist, poet, politician, and writer of the Song dynasty. A major personality of the Song era, Su was an important figure in Song Dynasty politics, aligning himself with Sima Guang and others, against the New Policy party led by Wang Anshi.

Su Shi is widely regarded as one of the most accomplished figures in classical Chinese literature, having produced some of the most well-known poems, lyrics, prose, and essays. Su Shi was famed as an essayist, and his prose writings lucidly contribute to the understanding of topics such as 11th-century Chinese travel literature or detailed information on the contemporary Chinese iron industry. His poetry has a long history of popularity and influence in China, Japan, and other areas in the near vicinity……

The special exhibition of Su Shi’s painting and calligraphy in the Palace Museum is divided into four units. The first unit “Legend of Victory, Kuaiyoupeng”, through the works of Su Shi and his teachers and friends, shows Su Shi’s circle of friends and the era he lives in. The second unit “Su Zi’s Poems Are like Paintings” shows Su Shi’s literary accomplishments through Su Shi’s poems and essays written by Su Shi and later calligraphers, and paintings created by later painters based on Su Shi’s poetry and essays. The third unit “I can’t make the calligraphy” shows Su Shi’s calligraphy art and its influence through Su Shi’s predecessor’s works, Su Shi’s own calligraphy creation, and later works imitating Su Shu’s calligraphy. The fourth unit, “The Taste of the World is Qinghuan”, shows Su Shi’s life interest and attitude through paintings and calligraphy works showing Su Shi’s life and anecdotes, as well as Su Shi’s essays expressing spirit. The four parts show Su Shi’s spiritual world from different angles, and outline a vivid and three-dimensional image of Su Shi for everyone.

This special exhibition of Su Shi’s theme hopes that through the guidance of space and colour, the audience can be immersed in it and have a conversation that spans a thousand years with the ancients.

【9月1日至10月30日, 千古风流人物#——故宫博物院藏苏轼主题书画特展在文华殿展出。】此次故宫博物院举办以文物为载体,以展现苏轼艺术造诣与其人格风范的展览,尚属首次苏轼是我国古代著名的文学家、艺术家,不但在诗文、书画等方面具有深厚的造诣,还因其高雅的生活品味与豁达的人生态度,散发独特的人格魅力。其艺术与思想乃至生活情趣都对后世产生了十分深远的影响,他本人也成为备受景仰的文人典范。




Imagines credit are of the  Forbidden city –Imperial Palace –Beijing – China- People’s Republic of China

#東京。 #中國 #China #Beijing | #紫禁城 #ForbiddenCity #August2020 |#QingDynastyArtworks a Golden with Longevity wishes #ChineseBonsaiTree for #QingDynasty #EmpressDowager #Jincheng ……


让我们与来读历Qing Dynasty, golden rectangular potted tree bonsai. Bonsai is the most common ornamental ornament in the palace. It is one of the important tributes in the New Year celebrations. It has a wide range of materials, exquisite decoration and auspicious theme. This gold rectangular potted wood tree bonsai is inlaid with red bats holding longevity on the golden basin, expressing the meaning of longevity. It is obviously the birthday gift of the empress dowager Jincheng. This piece was originally in the Shoukang Palace.

让我们一起来读日历清,金长方盆木树盆景。盆景是宫内最为常见的陈设观赏品,为年节庆典中重要的贡品之一,取材广泛、装饰讲究、题材吉祥。此件金质长方盆木树盆景,金盆上镶嵌红蝠捧寿,表达福寿之意,显见是进呈皇太后的寿礼。此件原藏寿康宫。 ​​​​

In this year’s 2020, the second decade from the turn of the century in Beijing the Capital of China also the People’s Republic of China, in which is also the year of the rat, marking its six hundred years anniversary of the Forbidden city that marks the transitional point of in between the middle of the Ming Dynasty (1368- 1644) transitionally from Nanjing to Beijing towards the Qing Dynasty (1636-1644-1911) …. The Imperial Palace seen so many countless seasonally transitional equinoxes but further its six hundred years is iconic, but it’s five hundred ninety nine years it marks it Autumn Equinox…. In which it only took twelve years to build the same of the Daming Palace of The Tang Dynasty Xian Imperial Capital only it was least twenty times larger..

Imagines credit are from the Forbidden city –Imperial Palace –Beijing – China- People’s Republic of China..

#東京。 #中國 #China #Beijing | #紫禁城 #ForbiddenCity #August2020 | #AGallery #PalaceMuseum on the 18th August 2020 600 year old palace city #CommemorativeVoucher of the #NineDragonWall #HallofSupremeHarmony …

On August 18, 2020, the Commemorative ceremony of the “600 Years of Forbidden City Commemorative Voucher” was held in the Palace Museum. The front and back of the commemorative coupon feature the Hall of Supreme Harmony and the first dragon on the Nine-Dragon Wall respectively; the classic elements of the Forbidden City, such as the three-pass and six-bowl Linghua window lattice, glazed brick carving, sundial, turtle back pattern, and river cliff sea water pattern, are distributed in the commemorative coupon Scanning the “Palace of Supreme Harmony” with a mobile phone and the flying dragon flying into the sky] Today, the Forbidden City issued the “600 Years Completion Voucher”. Use your mobile phone or tablet to scan the “Hall of Supreme Harmony” on the souvenir coupon through a proprietary APP, and the flying dragon will instantly rise into the sky. The commemorative coupon is the first product jointly issued by the Palace Museum and China Banknote Printing and Minting Corporation after signing a strategic agreement. It uses hand-engraved gravure technology. The palace flavor is its greatest feature. The front of the ticket is a representative of the Forbidden City’s Hall of Harmony as the main scene, and the background is supplemented by a bird’s-eye view of the Forbidden City, showing its majesty and profound history; the upper right corner is an engraved intaglio flower, embedded with the words “600 years”, which is more solemn. The main scene of the pattern on the back of the ticket is the first dragon on the right side of the Kowloon Wall of the Forbidden City, which symbolizes the prosperous age of dragons; the sundial in the upper right corner is the Forbidden City. The classic elements of the Forbidden City, such as the three-handed six-bowl diamond window lattice, glazed brick carving, sundial, turtle back pattern, river cliff and sea water pattern, are distributed in different positions of the commemorative coupon.

In addition to the appearance, the “connotation” of the commemorative coupon is also quite particular. It adopts more than ten advanced anti-counterfeiting technologies, such as dynamic photosensitive variable window security line, high-definition watermark, infrared printing, micro-text, various colour fluorescence, screen optical change, AR augmented reality, etc., to create an extremely beautiful and gorgeous of coupons. And through technological means, people use mobile phones or tablets to scan the “Hall of Supreme Harmony” on the souvenir coupons through a proprietary APP, and the flying dragon will rise into the sky. According to the Forbidden City, the “Forbidden City 600th Anniversary Commemorative Voucher” issued a total of four specifications, including leaflets, two-piece, four-piece, and twenty-piece. …..

In this year’s 2020, the second decade from the turn of the century in Beijing the Capital of China also the People’s Republic of China, in which is also the year of the rat, marking its six hundred years anniversary of the Forbidden city that marks the transitional point of in between the middle of the Ming Dynasty (1368- 1644) transitionally from Nanjing to Beijing towards the Qing Dynasty (1636-1644-1911) …. The Imperial Palace seen so many countless seasonally transitional equinoxes but further its six hundred years is iconic, but it’s five hundred ninety nine years it marks it Autumn Equinox…. In which it only took twelve years to build the same of the Daming Palace of The Tang Dynasty Xian Imperial Capital only it was least twenty times larger……


除了外观,纪念券的“内涵”也颇有讲究。其采用了动感光变开窗安全线、高清水印、红外对印、微缩文字、多种有色荧光、丝网光变、AR增强现实等十余种先进的防伪工艺技术,打造出了极其精美华丽的券面。 而且通过科技手段,人们用手机或者平板电脑通过专有的APP扫描纪念券上的“太和殿”,飞龙会腾空而起。故宫介绍,“紫禁城建成600年纪念券”共发行四款规格,包含单张、二连体、四连体、二十连体。(记者 邓耀明)

Imagines credit are of the  Forbidden city –Imperial Palace –Beijing – China- People’s Republic of China….