#東京。 #中國 #China #Beijing | #紫禁城 #ForbiddenCity |#Knowledge Library #ForbiddenCitySeason # SongYingjie – The Forbidden City Knows the seasons and taste the beauty of the four seasons in the Forbidden City ……

In this year’s 2020, the second decade from the turn of the century in Beijing the Capital of China also the People’s Republic of China, in which is also the year of the rat, marking its six hundred years anniversary of the Forbidden city that marks the transitional point of in between the middle of the Ming Dynasty (1368- 1644) transitionally from Nanjing to Beijing towards the Qing Dynasty (1636-1644-1911) …. The Imperial Palace seen so many countless seasonally transitional equinoxes but further its six hundred years is iconic, but it’s five hundred ninety nine years it marks it Autumn Equinox…. In which it only took twelve years to build the same of the Daming Palace of The Tang Dynasty Xian Imperial Capital only it was least twenty times larger..

“The Forbidden City Knows the Season” and taste the beauty of the four seasons in the Forbidden City……..”The Forbidden City Knows the Season “ is a book published by the Forbidden City Press in December 2019. The author is Song Yingjie. The book is based on the Ming Dynasty picture album “Moon Order Picture” in the Palace Museum. By interpreting this month order picture, the seventy-four solar terms… in which he is known as for also too chief meteorological service expert of China Meteorological Administration and host of CCTV’s “Weather Forecast” program.

On May 5, 2020, the online publication of the new book “Forbidden City Season” and the live broadcast of the book sharing session will be held at the Forbidden College in the Palace Museum. The book “The Forbidden City Knows the Season” is based on the book “Moon Order Picture” of the Ming Dynasty in the Palace Museum. By interpreting this month order picture, the seventy-two days of the 24 solar terms are illustrated and annotated one by one. The book interprets the seventy-two of the twenty-four solar terms one by one from the perspective of culture and science, including the climatic logic in the solar term “Tale”, the controversy in the identification of the story, and scientific fallacies.


“Forbidden City Season” is also equipped with 24 solar terms of the Palace Museum. The photographer combines the “Forbidden City Elements” with natural phenology, transforming the Forbidden City architecture from the main body into an element, and presenting it in the form of background, foreground, etc. Images to show the changes of flora and fauna in the Forbidden City environment, and the unique beauty of each corner of the Forbidden City complex in the form of images……..

Imagines credit are from the Forbidden city –Imperial Palace –Beijing – China- People’s Republic of China..