#北京。 #中國 #China #Beijing | #紫禁城 #ForbiddenCity #March2021|#ForbiddenCityMoments #ForbiddenCityPaintings #ChineseArtworks – the Hidden heroes of the Forbidden city Palace’s Custodian engineers..

China- People’s Republic of China, Beijing- Forbidden city the ever so hidden heroes of the Palace is the Custodian Engineers whom ever so passionately clean the relics pieces of each palace halls inside outside in a very tight period of time in which those pieces are exposed to the open air environments from nature or passing visiting guests whom exploring the Forbidden city..

  A large number of cultural relics are displayed in an open environment in more than a dozen original exhibition halls such as the three major halls of the Forbidden City, the Palace of the Qing Dynasty and the Le Shou Tang, and the furniture hall of Nandaku. The airtightness of the wooden structure exhibition hall is no better than that of modern buildings, and it is easier to let the wind fall into the earth. In order to protect these naked cultural relics from dust, a team of the Open Management Office of the Palace Museum who specializes in maintenance and dust removal often rushes among the palaces of the Forbidden City. Brushes, air blowers, cotton swabs, professional dust-removing cloths… They used these dust-removing tools to patiently and meticulously brush away the dust on the cultural relics, bringing nearly a thousand cultural relics to an end.

During the year’s 2020, the second decade from the turn of the century in Beijing the Capital of China also the People’s Republic of China, in which is also the year of the rat, marking its six hundred years anniversary of the Forbidden city that marks the transitional point of in between the middle of the Ming Dynasty (1368- 1644) transitionally from Nanjing to Beijing towards the Qing Dynasty (1636-1644-1911) …. The Imperial Palace seen so many countless seasonally transitional equinoxes but further its six hundred years is iconic, but it’s five hundred ninety nine years it marks it Autumn Equinox…. In which it only took twelve years to build the same of the Daming Palace of The Tang Dynasty Xian Imperial Capital only it was least twenty times larger……

Imagines credit are of the Forbidden city –Imperial Palace –Beijing – China- People’s Republic of China

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