#DoctorWho #AlexMonroe |#JodieWhittaker #13thDoctor #ItsAboutTime #Cosplay #EarCuffs and #jewelleryCollection …. Galaxy Single Ear Cuff..


As the new series of Doctor who with Jodie Whittaker setting out 13th Doctor adventuring with her new found three companion played by Bradley Walsh, Tosin Cole and Mandip Gil… in which the during the first episode of the “Woman who fell to Earth” in where the Doctor throughout the whole process was still wearing 12th Doctor Peter Capaldi’s suit attire, in which it was raggy throughout the same way as Matt Smith’s raggy man look with 11th Doctor David Tennant’s Attire…

As the episode follows the 13th Doctor goes shopping with Mandip Gil- Yasmin Khan… In which, they went shopping for a new iconic new look, in a thrifty store with part of the wardrobe is the new silvery gold ear cuffs that’s hidden away behind Jodie Whittaker’s shoulder length bob or the lob look, in which is workable.. Which is done by hairdresser, Matthew Soobroy, Principal Stylist at Charles Worthington Salons, has revealed how he created one of the most famous doctor’s hairstyles….

The Ear Cuff is very hand crafted stylistic wise to what her character wanted, in in with various messages. With those two hands with what with the two hands working together adventuring with the starry clusters in the long belcher link…..

The London Jewellery Alex Monroe whom fashion hand crafted, the jewellery pieces together, already a fan, long time ago in which gave him the advantage of what the premise is about in which the show is intergenerational between his loving Wife also his daughters ….

Alex Monroe jewellery workshop is located with Taken short walk from London Bridge station, past The Shard, and you’ll find us at 37 Snowsfields. This beautifully named road runs between the foodie hotspots of historic Borough Market and buzzy Bermondsey Street…..In which you can order, with a costumed request from their store or online..