FASHION- TELEVISION WARDROBE | Hannibal- Bedelia Du Maurier’s – stunning strapless dark gown..


As television studio’s produced many hero costumes for the production of the for their actors, there’s also a market of collecting television memorabilia, for fans of the television or movie television series.. In this the television series “Hannibal” features a dark story line of a disturbed relationship between a patient, a very young FBI criminal profiler, also a Psychiatrist…

Also the wardrobe is also costume par-takes the role of character’s life. As part of one character plays by X-Files Gillian Anderson.. Who plays the role of Bedelia Du Maurier, Hannibal’s psychoanalyst during the series…  In few episodes she wears a stunning dark gown wearing to a party engagement…   The size six Marchesa strapless gown features golden embodied floral contours throughout the dress… In which the golden sequins dress features a fish tail bottom with one missing crystal with a small unnoticeable stain on back of the fishtail side of the dress, in turn that probably makes it even more collectable with the story behind the stain…

The set wardrobe also features numerous items to complete the dress, is features a hinged faux diamond crystal bracelet… accompanies with stunning slivery size 37 ½ Jimmy shoes…in which is Auction by “Propstore”..

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