#東京 #中國 #China #Beijing | #紫禁城 #ForbiddenCity #September2020 | #ForbiddenCityarchitecture built 600 years of rich architectural language briefly explained …

In this year’s 2020, the second decade from the turn of the century in Beijing the Capital of China also the People’s Republic of China, in which is also the year of the rat, marking its six hundred years anniversary of the Forbidden city that marks the transitional point of in between the middle of the Ming Dynasty (1368- 1644) transitionally from Nanjing to Beijing towards the Qing Dynasty (1636-1644-1911) …. The Imperial Palace seen so many countless seasonally transitional equinoxes but further its six hundred years is iconic, but it’s five hundred ninety nine years it marks it Autumn Equinox…. In which it only took twelve years to build the same of the Daming Palace of The Tang Dynasty Xian Imperial Capital only it was least twenty times larger……

Forbidden City Architecture emphasis on order, proportion and symmetry principles. The central axis is the backbone of the building and the Yuanshu that supports the entire palace; the five gates and three dynasties, the front and back sleeping quarters, and the east and west six palaces in the “Zhou Li” constitute the framework of the Forbidden City; the Qiankun hexagram in the “Book of Changes” The combination of has a metaphysical height, and has a solid foundation. For example, the plane structure of the six palaces in the east and the west presents three painted hexagrams, symbolizing the hexagrams of Kun hexagrams, and the names of the Qianqing Palace, Kunning Palace and Jiaotai Palace are directly derived from The hexagrams Yu Qian, Kun and Tai gave the Forbidden City a logical law of positioning and intersecting heaven and earth. The red walls and yellow tiles constitute the colour tone of the Forbidden City.

In traditional cognition, yellow symbolizes soil and red symbolizes fire. The soil is located in the center. Therefore, the three halls are built on the foundation of the earth-shaped platform. The colour is yellow, so the central emperor called the Yellow Emperor”. According to the principle of the five elements, fire can produce soil, so the red wall symbolizes fire, the yellow tile symbolizes soil, and the fire produces soil. When the fire is prosperous, the soil is thick, which shows that the agricultural civilization cannot be separated from the soil. The building roofs in the Forbidden City include almost all the forms of ancient Chinese building roofs, such as hard mountains, hanging mountains, Xieshan, 庑殿, zuanjian, cross ridges, double eaves, roll sheds, and roofs. They have strict grades. The difference reflects the ritual characteristics of that era.

In addition to deciphering the architectural language from the building itself, when the landscape and the building are integrated and are no longer isolated natural landscapes, they also become part of the architectural language and are responsible for the interpretation of architectural ideals. The Jinshui River and Long Live Mountain in the Forbidden City are no longer natural mountains and water in the pure sense, but have an inseparable relationship with architecture. Long live mountain is the backer of the Forbidden City. Without this mountain, the Forbidden City would lose its strongest barrier and become an isolated city. The Jinshui River also has this function. It not only provides water for the entire Miyagi, and guarantees the water and drainage of the Miyagi, it also plays a role in connecting the north-western trunk with the southeast Sunda, making the Jinshui River a trunk in the image. The River of Gold allows the world to communicate and the mountains to connect……

紫禁城建筑强调秩序、比例和对称原则。中轴是建筑的脊梁,是支撑整个宫城的元枢 ;《周礼》中的五门三朝、前朝后寝、东西六宫,构成紫禁城的框架 ;《周易》中的乾坤卦象使建筑的组合有了形而上的高度,有了贞固不动的基础,如东西六宫的平面结构呈现三画卦,象征坤卦卦象,而乾清宫、坤宁宫和交泰殿的名称直接来源于乾卦、坤卦和泰卦,使紫禁城有了天地定位、天地相交的逻辑法则。红墙黄瓦构成紫禁城建筑的色彩基调,在传统的认知里,黄色象征土,红色象征火,土位于中央,故三大殿建在土字形的台基上,“中央戊己属土,其色黄,故中央帝曰黄帝”。按五行之理,火可以生土,故红墙象征火,黄瓦象征土,火生土,火旺则土厚,体现了农业文明的根本离不开土。紫禁城中的建筑屋顶几乎包括了中国古代建筑屋顶的所有形式,如硬山、悬山、 歇山、庑殿、攒尖、十字脊、重檐、卷棚、盝顶等,它们有着严格的等级区别,体现了那个时代的礼制特征。


Imagines credit are of the Forbidden city –Imperial Palace –Beijing – China- People’s Republic of China

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